by R.I. Pienaar | Aug 28, 2003 | Uncategorized
Many people use their company email addresses for all sorts of things. Others use web mail services like Hotmail or Yahoo for personal email. These weren’t good options for me as I have always had my own domains and so forth.
When my previous methods of hosting email became unreliable forcing me to make changes often – moving it around from host to host and so forth – I decided to get my own dedicated server.
by R.I. Pienaar | Aug 27, 2003 | Uncategorized
I first started out with Linux in the days of Windows 3.1 or maybe it was 3.11. As you can see it’s user interface were limited. It had nothing but a proprietry network stack. In general it was just not really advanced, it was the OS of the last decade waiting for the upgrade to take it into the next.
by R.I. Pienaar | Apr 20, 2003 | Uncategorized
Creating good Black and White images from a color image is a very complex task, there are many many ways to do it in Photoshop alone. I will demonstrate one simple one here that uses a Gradient Map adjustment layer.
by R.I. Pienaar | Apr 14, 2003 | Uncategorized
It happens to everyone, while taking your photos you think they will come out great, and when you eventually get the prints back, or download the images you find they are washed out and totally dissapointing.
This simple to do technique will hopefully be able to fix some of them.
by R.I. Pienaar | Apr 13, 2003 | Uncategorized
Have you ever taken the perfect landscape shot only to see later on that its skew? In this quick tutorial, which is based on a post here, I will show a very simple way to correct it without guessing.
by R.I. Pienaar | Apr 8, 2003 | Uncategorized
I found a technique for bringing out low-lights, towning down high-lights while keeping saturated color called contrast masking while reading dpreview forums. It works really well and decided to write a better tutorial on it than the rather quick and dirty found here