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Road Runner to bundle personal firewalls to ADSL customers

c|net brings news that Road Runner is bundling CA’s antivirus and firewall with new signups, this is good news as I discovered in recent analysis that they are the 3rd largest generator of spam, hopefully much of this spam comes from drone machines.
However them only targeting ADSL customers would not solve the problem for the rest of us since as I found in my analysis even if I filter out all their dynamic allocated IP’s – their ADSL customers – they simply move up to largest sender of spam for my system, which means they have some rather dodgy corporate customers as well.

1 000 browser visits

I use Power PHLogger to do my visitor tracking, it works by running a bit of java script on the client browser each time a visitor loads a page. This means that the majority of browsers gets counted and aggregators etc does not. This is ideal for me as it shows me actual users viewing the pages, their click streams etc. I also use Webalizer to do general stats.
PPHLogger counts unique visitors as those who are unique in 30 minute intervals, so far from examining my logs it seems some installs of Konqueror does not always load my bit of javascript, the rest are fine. The site owner can set a cookie that will skip his own browsing on the site, so my own hits never gets counted.
Today I received my 1,000th visitor using a real browser on this site since I started tracking it, 6th of September 2003, which was very shortly after it was launched in this format.
The lucky browser was from and was searching google for “best freeware” that took him to my post about 46 Best-ever Freeware Utilities


I am taking a much needed break from work, a school friend is visiting from home and we are doing the tourist thing all over London. I thought it will be all the same as last year but so far has been pleasantly surprised with how things have changed in the last year. There are whole new sections open at the Tower of London and even Camden Town has expanded since I was there last.
I am looking forward to doing some of the things I will not really get to do with my Significant Other as she isn’t really into the whole war thing. My friend has just visited Poland has been to some of the concentration camps like Auschwitz and I have to say I am really keen to go there looking at the books and photos she brought and remembering watching Shindlers List with her when I was in school
We are also watching the Band of Brothers series again and we will be taking a drive out to see the B-52, Blackbird and many other American and British air craft at Duxford.
While walking back from the Tower of London we got some really nice shots of the bridge and HMS Belfast

Online Entrapment

Police from the UK, US, Canada and Australia have set up a site posing as a child porn web site. Anyone who continues to use it after multiple warnings will get a visit from big brother.
I don’t even know what to say about this, its shocking. While by the letter of the law this isn’t entrapment as such since the person chooses to continue after warnings, I still think it’s a nasty thing to be doing. Protecting children is becoming a one-size-fits-all explanation for all sorts of liberties taken by law enforcement agencies, just like the fight-again-terrorism.
From the ‘Lectric Law Library‘s definition of Entrapment:

ENTRAPMENT – A person is ‘entrapped’ when he is induced or persuaded by law enforcement officers or their agents to commit a crime that he had no previous intent to commit; and the law as a matter of policy forbids conviction in such a case.
However, there is no entrapment where a person is ready and willing to break the law and the Government agents merely provide what appears to be a favorable opportunity for the person to commit the crime. For example, it is not entrapment for a Government agent to pretend to be someone else and to offer, either directly or through an informer or other decoy, to engage in an unlawful transaction with the person. So, a person would not be a victim of entrapment if the person was ready, willing and able to commit the crime charged in the indictment whenever opportunity was afforded, and that Government officers or their agents did no more than offer an opportunity.

Nokia 6600

I lost my Nokia 9210 last week, apart from the data loss and number loss I realized that even though it was big and a pain to lug around I do love that phone. I love the fact that it had easy manipulation of SMS, I could delete all messages with a simple ctrl-a, ctrl-d combination etc.
I had the option to get another 9210 under insurance but I needed Bluetooth and GPRS so I opted for the Nokia 6600. I have mixed first reactions – on the one hand I love the brilliant clear screen, the camera (even though it is crap), the GPRS and Bluetooth etc. On the other hand it is annoying that it does not have a automatic lock feature on the keypad and slightly dodgy battery life.


Hardware Upgrade

For a while now I have been having hardware problems on my server. The SCSI system would drop interupts during load and sometimes it would throw errors like these. None of this has yet resulted in data loss but there has been a few crashes as a result.
