I lost my Nokia 9210 last week, apart from the data loss and number loss I realized that even though it was big and a pain to lug around I do love that phone. I love the fact that it had easy manipulation of SMS, I could delete all messages with a simple ctrl-a, ctrl-d combination etc.
I had the option to get another 9210 under insurance but I needed Bluetooth and GPRS so I opted for the Nokia 6600. I have mixed first reactions – on the one hand I love the brilliant clear screen, the camera (even though it is crap), the GPRS and Bluetooth etc. On the other hand it is annoying that it does not have a automatic lock feature on the keypad and slightly dodgy battery life.
I got rid of the default theme and installed the very nice Crystallized theme (minus the dorky background). I had some problems getting the GPRS going, Vodafone does not yet provide a auto configuration SMS for this phone but their customer support eventually sent me a manual procedure, this was unfortunately geared towards WAP and not internet access, after finding some useful information from File Save as and the Vodafone web site I managed to get my Laptop and iPaq 4150 on-line via the phone all happily. The only glitch now is that mPhone does not like it yet.
As mentioned before the camera on the phone is crap, but I suppose for its size it’s not bad. We went to IKEA today. The Croydon branch has added some Coffee shops recently, we tried them and I am still regretting this, they had fake everything, the worst was the milk, see image below for this and a sample of the camera image quality.