by R.I. Pienaar | May 4, 2008 | Code
This is the 3rd part of my ongoing series of posts about designing a
simple Single Signon System for PHP, you should read part 1 and 2 first.
Today we look a bit more about the general information flow between browser, target web site and the SSO Server. We will use the term Secure Site for the target site, lets say a corporate intranet.
The following diagram shows the flow of information, the information flows via the browser using redirects etc.
First a few words on the requierd bits of information before this exchange can happen.
- The
Secure Site has a pre-shared key (PSK) that the SSO Server assigns,
this key gets hardcoded in the Secure Site and kept private, it never
gets passed between the parties during normal authentication requests.
- The Secure Site has a siteid
that is simply a number that uniquely identifies it to the SSO Server.
This too gets assigned by the SSO Server and does not change for the
life time of the site.
- Encryption gets done using a simple symmetrical algorithm, the PSK is the passphrase.
- The
SSO server knows what domain name a site is in, the SSO Server will use
this to validate auth requests and generate redirects based on this
domain name only.
Now on to the actual information flow, this demonstrates the flow for a first time visit of an unauthenticated user, future visits will be exactly like any cookie based auth system where the user will not interact with the SSO server at all:
- The user tries to access the Secure Site
- Secure Site generate a unique single use token, and saves it in a Session
- The Secure Site redirect the browser to the SSO server with a request that has the siteid unencrypted and a encrypted string containing the URL the browser should go to if he is authenticated correctly by the SSO Server and also the Token generated in step 2.
- The SSO Server validates the request, checking Next URL against that stored for siteid after using the PSK stored for siteid to decrypt the packet.
- The user is presented with a login form. The login form shows detail about the Secure Site such as its URL, a description of the site and who to contact with any support requests about this site. The user is warned that his personal details will be shared with the site. The user logs in with a username and password and gets redirected to the Secure Site.
- The Secure Site gets a authentication packet in the redirect that has – encrypted using the PSK – the username, email address, real name, time zone and the previously generated token. In unencrypted form is a md5 hash of all the private information concatenated with the PSK, this is signature for the request and could be used as a cryptographic digital signature if the SSO Server is configured to not encrypt the private data. The Token gets removed from the session and the user gets marked as Logged In using a cookie or existing session.
- At this point the user is logged in and can access the Secure Site, the Secure Site knows his private details and can associate his data with him. From this point on it’s a standard cookie based auth and the Secure Site can decide how long the login session is valid for etc.
I think we’ll keep it at that for today, in the next part I’ll explain some of the choices made in designing this protocol and what security exploits it tries to prevent (replay attacks), what it is vulnerable too (man in the middle attacks) and how to mitigate those risks.
by R.I. Pienaar | Apr 17, 2008 | Code
This is the 2nd part of my ongoing series of posts about designing a simple Single Signon System for PHP, you should read part 1 first.
I am often annoyed about series of blog posts that don’t make it clear what the end goal is early on, so you end up wasting time reading through loads of stuff only to realise at the end its a bad fit. So below you’ll see some sample bits of code using my Single Sign On system in PHP and Apache after this you can easily decide to just ignore the rest of the posts or to keep paying attention.
First as I said the authentication should be pluggable, I want to be able to fetch users from LDAP, MySQL, and any number of other things, towards this goal I made the actual code that does the hard work pluggable by using a simple OO module and an interface. Below is a bit of code to just always allow a user ‘john’ in with the password ‘secret’, the values for name etc is hardcoded and you can’t change the settings, but you’ll get the basic idea!
class StupidAuth implements pSSO_Authenticator {
public function _authenticate($username, $password) {
if ($username == "john" && $password == "secret") {
public function _getEmailAddress() {
public function _getRealName() {
return("John Doe");
public function _getUsername() {
public function _getTimeZone() {
public function _setEmailAddress() {
public function _setRealName() {
public function _setUsername() {
public function _setTimeZone() {
It doesn’t really come simpler than that, within this framework you really should be able to do almost any form of authentication, if PHP can talk to it and auth then so should the SSO system. This code will live in the server, I won’t go much into the server here, it’s just a really a system to wrap the code above into a well defined protocol between client and server, more on this some other day. For now just assume there is a config file on the server and you tell it what Class implements the actual auth – StupidAuth in this case.
Now for a quick client, remember the client can run anywhere on any domain, and I want my clients to be registered with me before they can use the SSO system. To this end each client has a Pre Shared Key (PSK) and a unique ID. The PSK is used to encrypt the communications from the SSO server to the SSO client as the reply will have real names, email addresses and such in it, you don’t want this to show up in proxy logs and such!
Here’s a quick client:
$psk = "goG4mUrJeacE7VyidEfd";
$siteid = 1;
$ssoServer = "";
$thisURL = "http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
// the SSO server sent us back a token, validate it and set cookies
if (isSet($_GET['authdata']) && ($_GET['v'])) {
$psso = new pSSO_Client($_GET['authdata'], $_GET['v'], $psk,
$siteid, $ssoServer);
if ($psso->authenticate()) {
// The user is logged in, send him back to this same url
// except without any GET params etc, so he'll be a normal
// returning logged in user.
"Location: " .
} else {
// login failed, eventhough it shouldn't have, bail out
Throw new Exception ("Login failed:" . $psso->getError());
} else {
// We didn't get a token, either its a guest or he already has cookies
// from a previous visit
$psso = new pSSO_Client("", "", $psk, $siteid, $ssoServer);
if ($psso->isLoggedIn()) {
print("You are logged in:<br><br>");
username is: " . $psso->getUserName() . "<br>");
print("Your real name is: " . $psso->getRealName() . "<br>");
print("Your email address is: " . $psso->getEmailAddress() . "<br>");
print("Your timezone is: " . $psso->getTimeZone() . "<br>");
} else {
print("Welcome guest, you can login <a href='" . $psso->getAuthURL($thisURL)
. "'>here</a>");
A quick run through the code:
- Define the PSK, SSO Server URL and your unique ID, all of this will be supplied by the SSO server when you register your site.
- Start a session – this is used to associate a one-time-use token that travels between the SSO client and Server, more on this later but it helps prevent session replay attacks.
- Check if we got the data that the SSO server will typically pass us $_GET[‘authdata’] and $_GET[‘v’], if we did get it, start up a SSO client and authenticate. Showing the protected page on success or an error message if it failed.
- If the GET parameters aren’t present it is either a first visit or a returning visit, the SSO Client lib gets used to find out if its a returning visit and shows some personal information if the user is logged in, else presents the user with a bit of guest info and a link to the login form. Again here the SSO client library generate all the needed URLs and encryption and what not.
I think this very simple use case should demonstrate the ease of use, you could now easily decide to either just not have a local user database at all, just perhaps ACL’s based on username or some local cached user data that has additional information your app provides in a local database perhaps referenced by username, so relying simply on the SSO for auth.
You’ll remember I also wanted to do HTTP Authentication, I have a beta stage Apache mod_perl module to do this, below you’ll see a bit of Apache config to protect my Nagios installation using the SSO:
<Directory “/usr/share/nagios”>
AuthType Apache::Auth_pSSO
AuthName pSSO
PerlAuthenHandler Apache::Auth_pSSO->authenticate
require valid-user
PerlSetVar pSSO_PSK “goG4mUrJeacE7VyidEfd”
Again notice the PSK in there, at the moment site id and SSO server URLs are hardcoded, but like I said, its beta code ๐
With both of the samples above, instead of a pop-up HTTP Auth dialog, you will simply see the SSO login form if you’ve not authenticated already, else you will just see the protected resource or nagios no questions asked.
So that’s it, a quick run through what can be achieved with the SSO libraries on both server and client, in the next post I’ll get into some details of the protocol between server and client.
by R.I. Pienaar | Apr 17, 2008 | Code
UPDATED: The code below is a bit crap – first ever ruby code – try this instead
As this is the first time I am posting about Puppet, maybe a few words about it first. Puppet is a configuration management system that helps you manage large infrastructures. There are ofcourse many similar things, cfengine and lcfg to name just two. I like Puppet as it has a big and active community but it is also a modern approach to the problem being that it has some properties of Object Orientation and so forth.
I’ve used cfengine – actually chose it over Puppet when it was still young – but that is over a year ago now and I if you have many or even 2 of the same nodes to maintain I urge you to check out Puppet.
So the rest is only really useful if you already know Puppet, sorry if this will bore many people ๐
On a site I worked we used to have a file on each machine that defines a few Facter facts, this was very handy and I wanted to do something similar because I define variables like $country=”uk” and so forth in my nodes which then helps my manifests builds correct ntp configs for example. Now doing it with a global variable in the node is ok and all, but not nearly as sexy as letting each node know where they are in via facts.
In the old days hacking in new facts was a right pain and you possibly even needed to maintain your own package of facter, not so anymore, it’s in fact really nice now.
Puppet now lets you drop bits of ruby code into a directory and then sends the code off to clients on demand for integration into Facter, I won’t go into setting it up the Puppet Wiki goes into it at length. Instead I’ll show a simple bit of code to read in /etc/facts.txt on a node and present the values in it as facts.
var = nil
value = nil
facts = {}
if File.exists?(“/etc/facts.txt”)“/etc/facts.txt”).each do |line|
var = $1 and value = $2 if line =~ /^(.+)=(.+)$/
if var != nil && value != nil
facts[var] = value
var = nil
value = nil
Facter.add(var) do
setcode do
This code essentially just reads stuff out of key=val pairs in /etc/facts.txt and adds them to facter. Drop that into your facts directory on the master in a file ending in .rb and that should be it, with facts files on your nodes the values will now be available for use in your manifests.
Maybe not the best Ruby code as it’s my first ever Ruby code and mostly based on a sample I found in the Puppet book, I would have liked to do the Facter.add() call right in the loop that parses the file instead of using a array, but I couldn’t get that going.
Anyway, now I just distribute /etc/facts.txt to all my machines, and they know where they are and I have a simple no-hassle method for teaching machines about new things.
by R.I. Pienaar | Apr 13, 2008 | Code
I use a PHP development framework that I have been building on and improving for the last 4 or 5 years. I used a framework called Roadsend SiteManager years ago but when the amount of non-backward compatible changes they were making got too much I started working on my own.
My framework is a MVC based system that recently had a good refresh to make good use of the improved OO abilities of PHP 5, it isn’t really generic, its more tailor designed to work the way I do and to help me make things I do often easier. As a result of using this framework for years now I have about 15 or so sites developed with it, some for my personal stuff – like a database of Film rolls – other for clients. Till now everything had their own user database which makes changing passwords a right pain in the butt not to mention a huge job to adjust all the sites if/when I want to add additional authentication features.
So I started looking into Single Sign On systems but came up a bit short for complete ones that fits my bill, my needs are more or less:
- Server and Client libraries in PHP but also client libraries in other languages.
- Should store Real Name, Email Address, Time Zone and possibly other bits of information and share it on demand with other sites.
- Work cross domains, so a single SSO server should be able to serve all my sites and possibly those of 3rd parties should they wish to. This basically means the SSO server shouldn’t just go and set a domain cookie.
- Have a good management system where users can manage their identities in a self-service manner.
- Client sites should be registered with the server before they can use the SSO system. When a users identity is accessed he should be shown information about description, contact details etc. it should be completely open to the user when his information gets shared and he should be able to say no.
- The server should keep a log of all uses of the identity, in practice only the first requests do get logged, after that the user can be kept logged in on the clients and so new requests do not get made to the server.
- Authentication should be modular so you can plug any user database into the server. For instance I can share a single database between my imap, pop, smtp, ticketing system and any of my sites using the SSO system.
- Legacy applications and third party applications that rely on standard HTTP Authentication should be able to use it, at least when run under Apache. I want to be able to log into Cacti, Nagios, RT and others with a single login.
This is quite a long list of requirements, none of them are particularly difficult to be honest, the hardest part is the HTTP Authentication plugin, mostly because it relies on writing either a C Apache module or something in mod_perl.
I have written a SSO system that complies to these requirements and will over the course of a number of blog posts detail the design of such a system. My intention is to open source the main server library and client library in PHP but won’t, at least for the foreseeable future, release the management application as that is quite a big deal to release a truly end user ready big web application like this.
I don’t know how many posts it will take to go through it all and I also don’t know how long it will take me to do them all, I guess I will in these posts retrofit a spec onto what I developed and hopefully pick up on bits that I missed along the way. I hope this might be of use/interest to someone out there.
UPDATE: Part 2 is here.
by R.I. Pienaar | Mar 25, 2008 | Code
I have been working on a site that will have potentially quite a few random third parties accessing it and inserting data into a MySQL database. I am thus quite keen on a good solid input filtering method for PHP to prevent things like XSS and SQL Injection.
There are several options out there, of the ones I found Inspekt is about the closest match to my way of working, it essentially imports $_GET, $_POST etc and wraps them in an object which you then use to access variables in a filtered method. It by default then NULLs the original variables so you cannot access them anymore, if backward compatibility is desired it can leave the originals untouched. Not optimal as this gives an unsafe by default result if you want to maintain backwards compatibility.
Another problem with this approach is that it is a lot of work to change existing code, which you might thing is just par for the course but I was convinced I need to find a way to do so more transparently.
I could for example at program start just walk through the $_GET etc arrays and apply some filtering to them using addslashes() and such but this is very restrictive, what if you need to get it unfiltered, especially if you perform destructive filtering? How would you go about filtering some variables for phone numbers, some for email addresses etc?
The answer lies in PHP’s new Standard Programming Library, specifically in its ArrayAccess interface, which if you don’t care for older versions of PHP is the way to go.
The basic advantage of this is that you can expose properties of your objects by using array notation rather than object notation:
$result = $foo->getBar();
compared to:
$result = $foo[‘bar’];
Both statements give access to the private variable $bar just using different syntax. So using this technique we can write a transparent filter for input variables, the basic usage of the final library would be something along these lines:
$_GET = new ArrayArmor($_GET);
print (“Filtered Variable:$_GET[test]<br>\n”);
print (“Unfiltered Variable: ” . $_GET->getRaw(“test”));
A possible output from this script can be seen below:
Filtered Variable: 1234\’;delete from accounts;–
Unfiltered Variable: 1234′;delete from accounts;–
You can see that the default behavior is to protect the input but even for destructive filtering methods the raw unfiltered data would be available if the programmer needed it. You can provide all sorts of extra methods to validate emails, post codes and such.
A quick and dirty example of a class that provides this kind of filtering can be seen below:
class ArrayArmor Implements ArrayAccess {
private $original;
function __construct (&$variable) {
$this->original = $variable;
function offsetExists($offset) {
return isset($this->original[$offset]);
function offsetGet($offset) {
return addslashes($this->original[$offset]);
function offsetSet($offset, $value) {
function offsetUnset($offset) {
function getRaw($offset) {
So that’s it, a simple method that is very easy to put into existing code. This is clearly not a full example as addslashes() is hardly the be-all and end-all of input protection, but if you build on this you can get a very easy to use and flexible input filter that is safe by default.
by R.I. Pienaar | Mar 18, 2008 | Code, Front Page
Sometimes you come across things that just make you wonder what is going on in peoples minds.
For years everyone who wrote applications compatible with the standard HTTP Authentication method has used the REMOTE_USER server variable as set by Apache to check the username that was logged in by the webserver, this has worked well for everyone, CGI’s and all would just grab it there and everyone would be happy.
Along comes PHP and they make great big mess of it, PHP suggests that we use $_SERVER[‘PHP_AUTH_USER’] instead, and they give some good reasons for this too, except they have severely crippled this for all but Basic and Digest authentication, the following code from main/main.c
if (auth && auth[0] != ‘\0’ && strncmp(auth, “Basic “, 6) == 0) {
char *pass;
char *user;
user = php_base64_decode(auth + 6, strlen(auth) – 6, NULL);
if (user) {
pass = strchr(user, ‘:’);
if (pass) {
*pass++ = ‘\0’;
SG(request_info).auth_user = user;
SG(request_info).auth_password = estrdup(pass);
ret = 0;
} else {
As you can see above, they only import the user and pass from Apache if the AuthType is Basic, this makes no sense at all. Why not just check with Apache, if it set the username then import it? Surely Apache know if a user has authenticated? Ditto for password. It is so broken in fact that PHP in CGI mode also doesn’t work since those headers don’t get set for that either, countless comments and nasty hacks can be found in the PHP user contributed notes about this, but it is all just sillyness.
The reason this is annoying me is that I have written a Single Singon system in PHP, you can host a identity server on any domain and hook any site in any other domain into the SSO system, its a bit like TypeKey
Of course it’s nice to have a easy to use SSO system in PHP but what is the point if you can’t make legacy apps like Nagios, Cacti, RT etc play along with the SSO? So to solve this I extended Apache::AuthCookie with a new mod_perl module that plugs into Apache and does authentication using my SSO and a small bit of glue that you put on your RT/Cacti/Nagios box.
All’s great, I have SSO to Nagios, RT and countless other things working flawlessly, except of course Cacti because it’s written along the lines of the PHP manual, uses PHP_AUTH_USER instead of REMOTE_USER and so my new fancy AuthType in Apache does not work with Cacti. As it turns out its a quick 2 liner fix in the Cacti code but you would think PHP would be a bit more generic in this regard since as it stands now I think a lot of people who want to do SSO using hardware tokens and such have issues with PHP being silly.