A parser for the openvpn 2 status log file. Typical openvpn 2 status log file looks more or less like this: OpenVPN CLIENT LIST Updated,Thu Mar 3 17:24:54 2005 Common Name,Real Address,Bytes Received,Bytes Sent,Connected Since common.name,,86559,87369,Thu Mar 3 13:39:10 2005 other.common.name,,159509,167386,Thu Mar 3 13:39:10 2005 ROUTING TABLE Virtual Address,Common Name,Real Address,Last Ref,other.common.name,,Thu Mar 3 17:23:10 2005,common.name,,Thu Mar 3 13:39:11 2005 GLOBAL STATS Max bcast/mcast queue length,0 END The parseLog function expects a path to a log file and a protocol. The protocol string is simply there to support an environment where you run multiple openvpn daemons to listen on different ports or protocols, it is a plain text field, suggested values are 'UDP', 'TCP', 'UDP/1234' etc. Returned entries are indexed based on client host:port since that is guaranteed to be unique, common name wouldn't be unique since you can connect multiple times with the same cert. The parser will return a multi dimentional array given the status log above that looks like this: Array ( [updated] => Thu Mar 3 17:30:55 2005 [users] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [CommonName] => common.name [RealAddress] => [BytesReceived] => 86.39 KB [BytesSent] => 87.18 KB [Since] => Thu Mar 3 13:39:10 2005 [Proto] => UDP [VirtualAddress] => [LastRef] => Thu Mar 3 13:39:11 2005 ) [1] => Array ( [CommonName] => another.common.name [RealAddress] => [BytesReceived] => 158.04 KB [BytesSent] => 166.02 KB [Since] => Thu Mar 3 13:39:10 2005 [Proto] => UDP [VirtualAddress] => [LastRef] => Thu Mar 3 17:27:14 2005 ) ) ) I use a Smarty template to print out the data like this: {section name=u loop=$tcpusers} {/section}
{$tcpusers[u].CommonName} {$tcpusers[u].RealAddress} {$tcpusers[u].VirtualAddress} {$tcpusers[u].Since} {$tcpusers[u].BytesSent} {$tcpusers[u].BytesReceived} {$tcpusers[u].LastRef} {$tcpusers[u].Proto}
CHANGELOG: 03/03/2005 Initial Release R.I.Pienaar 03/03/2005 http://www.devco.net/