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A few weekends ago I spent a day in Paris. The weather was mostly crap and no good for photography but I did manage to get a few decent shots.

I am planning to go there for a few days in December so should hopefully have more luck with it, the day I was there I mostly spent orientating myself a bit and getting a feel for the place. Next time I’ll find it easier to take photos there since I know it a bit now.
Click the image above to see a couple of photos from there.

Guy Fawkes

I tried to go see some fireworks last night but they started a bit early to get to on time so tonight there were some more and this time very conveniently close to my house. The organizers claimed it was the biggest free fireworks display in England and I can easily believe that.

It went on for a whole 18 minutes and was absolutely spectacular. They expected 30 000 to 40 000 people would show up, I am sure there were more.
Some photos that I took can be seen here.

Rainy Day

Rainy Days are really unproductive, especially over weekends. It feels like you are being robbed somehow. I took this today out of desperation, and I think I am quite fond of it.

Functional Beauty

I always love seeing the beauty that lies in things that exist purely for a functional reason. I went for a walk in Hyde Park today and came across some ropes that is supposed to keep people away from water that spilled after a pipe burst. The ropes have been there a while and have suffered under the wind and weather. I put up five photos that I took there, click on the image below.