by R.I. Pienaar | Sep 16, 2003 | Front Page
One thing that is annoying about RSS feeds and feed readers is that you do not know where they are from or how many people actually follow through reading full articles based on RSS feeds. I noticed via Lockergnome a nice idea for modifying the URLs that you send out to RSS clients as a means of tracking.
by R.I. Pienaar | Sep 12, 2003 | Front Page
I finally got around to watching the episode that caused all the stir and I must say I liked it. The die hard Trekkies won’t like it, but I did. There were some changes as the directors have said their would be.
by R.I. Pienaar | Sep 11, 2003 | Front Page
So the first episode of Enterprise showed in the states as previously mentioned. Everyone and their dog seems to be slagging it off for weak story line, imitating Joss Whedon and nudity.
Well, its in the download queue, we shall see.
by R.I. Pienaar | Sep 10, 2003 | Front Page
Neil has some interesting views on the Windows vs. Linux “report” that has been published, well worth a read if this kind of things interests you.
by R.I. Pienaar | Sep 10, 2003 | Front Page
A co-worker pointed out that Enterprise season 3 has its premiere tonight on UPN. Time to fire up the P2P client again as it is unlikely to make it to the UK for quite some time.
by R.I. Pienaar | Sep 10, 2003 | Front Page
The Register has an article stating that BT claims 80% of homes in the UK can now get ADSL broadband internet.
“This month we’ll have as many people connected to exchanges offering broadband as can switch on their mains gas cooker to make the supper,”
I am moving house next month, and as always I am absolutely paranoid about not having ADSL coverage in my area, it is just not conceivable that I would need to spend even 1 week without a fast reliable Internet connection, I don’t know how I ever managed without it.