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I often need to split large mysql dumps into smaller files so I can do selective imports from live to dev for example where you might not want all the data. Each time I seem to rescript some solution for the problem. So here’s my current solution to the problem, it’s a simple Ruby script, you give it the path to a mysqldump and it outputs a string of echo’s and sed commands to do the work.

UPDATE: Please do not use this code, it’s too slow and inefficient, new code can be found here.

Just pipe it’s output to a file and run it via shell when you’re ready to do the splitting. At the end you’ll have a file per table in your cwd.

prevtable = ""
prevline = 0
if ARGV.length == 1
    dumpfile = ARGV.shift
    puts("Please specify a dumpfile to process")
    exit 1
if File.exist?(dumpfile)
   %x[grep -n "Table structure for table" #{dumpfile}].each do |line|
       if line =~ /(\d+):-- Table structure for table .(.+)./
           curline = $1.to_i
           table = $2
           unless prevtable == ""
               puts("echo \"\`date\`: Processing #{prevtable} - lines #{prevline - 1} to #{curline - 2}\"")
               puts("sed -n '#{prevline - 1},#{curline - 2}p;#{curline - 2}q' #{dumpfile} > #{prevtable}.sql")
           prevline = curline
           prevtable = table
   puts("Can't find dumpfile #{dumpfile}")
   exit 1

It’s pretty fast, the heavy lifting is all done with grep and sed, ruby just there to drive those commands and parse a few lines of output.

Running it produces something like this:

$ split-mysql-dump.rb exim.sql
echo "`date`: Processing domain_sender_whitelist - lines 32 to 47"
sed -n '32,47p;47q' exim.sql > domain_sender_whitelist.sql
echo "`date`: Processing domain_valid_users - lines 48 to 64"
sed -n '48,64p;64q' exim.sql > domain_valid_users.sql