I’m trying to build up a nice demo of mcollective and trying to save some effort by using the RightScale CentOS AMI’s.ย I noticed they came with a nice script to pull down the user data and meta data so figured I might as well make some facts.
require 'find' if File.exists?("/var/spool/ec2/meta-data") Find.find("/var/spool/ec2/meta-data") do |path| filename = File.basename(path) factname = "ec2_#{filename}" factname.gsub!(/-/, "_") if File.file?(path) lines = File.readlines(path) if lines.size == 1 Facter.add(factname) do setcode { lines.first.chomp.to_s } end else lines.each_with_index do |line, i| Facter.add("#{factname}_#{i}") do setcode { lines[i].chomp } end end end end end end if File.exists?("/var/spool/ec2/user-data.raw") lines = File.readlines("/var/spool/ec2/user-data.raw") lines.each do |l| if l.chomp =~ /(.+)=(.+)/ f = $1; v = $2 Facter.add(f) do setcode { v } end end end end |
If you arrange to run /opt/rightscale/bin/ec2.sh in rc.local and pop this fact above into your factdir you should be able to access all the meta data from facter.
# facter -p ec2_ami_id => ami-73270c07 ec2_ami_launch_index => 0 ec2_ami_manifest_path => pinetecltd-centos-clustera/cluster-webserver-1257783713.manifest.xml ec2_ancestor_ami_ids_0 => ami-31c72258 ec2_ancestor_ami_ids_1 => ami-ef01e486 ec2_ancestor_ami_ids_2 => ami-0916f360 ec2_ancestor_ami_ids_3 => ami-c8ac48a1 ec2_ancestor_ami_ids_4 => ami-cd52b6a4 ec2_ancestor_ami_ids_5 => ami-19be966d ec2_ancestor_ami_ids_6 => ami-65200b11 ec2_ancestor_ami_ids_7 => ami-3d200b49 ec2_ancestor_ami_ids_8 => ami-91200be5 ec2_ancestor_ami_ids_9 => ami-81200bf5 ec2_block_device_mapping_ami => sda1 ec2_block_device_mapping_ephemeral0 => sdb ec2_block_device_mapping_ephemeral1 => sdc ec2_block_device_mapping_ephemeral2 => sdd ec2_block_device_mapping_ephemeral3 => sde ec2_block_device_mapping_root => /dev/sda1 ec2_block_device_mapping_swap => sda3 ec2_hostname => ip-10-227-43-134.eu-west-1.compute.internal ec2_instance_action => none ec2_instance_id => i-9411e7e3 ec2_instance_type => m1.small ec2_kernel_id => aki-7e0d250a ec2_local_hostname => ip-10-227-43-134.eu-west-1.compute.internal ec2_local_ipv4 => ec2_placement_availability_zone => eu-west-1b ec2_public_hostname => ec2-79-125-33-224.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com ec2_public_ipv4 => ec2_public_keys_0_openssh_key => ssh-rsa AAA ec2_ramdisk_id => ari-7d0d2509 ec2_reservation_id => r-c655bab1 ec2_security_groups_0 => rip ec2_security_groups_1 => defaultcluster => a |
In addition if you just pass nice key=val pairs in as user data it will add those as facts too, the last above is from that.