Since moving into my current flat I’ve not really had a convenient place to develop film so have been putting the black and white shooting on the backburner.
During the last week though I for some other reason thought to ask the Snappy Snaps near me and sure enough they did do 120 black and white. Problem is they wanted ยฃ18/roll developed and scanned and want 3 days to do it in.
So I asked around and found out that the Snappy Snaps in Wardour Street London does it for ยฃ10/roll scanned on a standard 1 hour wait, that’s very good.
Below a scan direct from their scanner, I didn’t touch it in any way (click for full size):
You can see some more from this roll here it was taken on Ilford FP4 with my Bronica SQA, this is also the first time in over a year that I touched this camera so was fumbling around a bit, will get back into it now I think especially with a quick development place just 5 minutes from my office.