In many large cities there are train, bus, underground and sometimes water based public transport systems, these can be very confusing and you can spend hours a month staring at various maps to figure out the best route from A to B. Enter Métro a tool for your Palm, PocketPC or Smartphone that will calculate the quickest route or route with the fewest changes for any of these systems. It currently covers over 250 Cities and amazingly is also freeware.
A full overview with plenty of screenshots are available here so I will not be posting any screenshots here, but this is an essential tool for anyone living or traveling to a large city.
Important features include:
- More than 250 cities covered
- Interface available in more than 30 languages
- Compute routes based on Place of Interest, Station Name, Contact details for some stops.
- Contact list with address/station associations in order to do route computes based on contact name
- Full display of stops on individual lines
- Auto-completion of inputs
This is definetely an essential tool, one that I have been using since about 2000 on my Palm based PDA’s